
How To Develop A Blog Strategy in 5 Steps

by Toby

December 3, 2021

How to develop a blog strategy

Use these five basic steps for setting a blog content strategy to write content that your customers want to read. And content that has a chance at ranking in Google organically - good SEO begins with a content strategy. And content that other people want to share so you can get more exposure. These steps will get you going.

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Start by profiling your ideal customers. Create customer avatar worksheet

Any good strategy starts with the customer.

Why this step is essential:
Starting here ensures you write customer-focused content that matters to your future customers and in a tone they want to read. You don't want to write about content they do not care about. And this all comes from understanding the various customer types you have and each segment's unique needs and wants.

Here's how to profile your customers.

Write a descriptive customer outline for various types of customers. This document is referred to as a customer avatar. The outline for each customer segment would contain the following info:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Goals/Values
  • Demographics
  • Pain points/What they struggle with
  • Character/personality
  • Wants/Needs
  • Objections to close a sale
  • Where do they hang out online?

Example Customer Avatar Worksheet

customer avatar worksheet example

customer avatar worksheet example

customer avatar worksheet example

customer avatar worksheet example


Utilize keyword/topic research. Identify what types of content your customer is searching for.

How do you find what questions, issues your customers have?

  • Ask your sales team
  • Browse Facebook groups
  • Use Quora for issues/questions
  • Look at what your competitors are writing about
  • Are they missing topics?
  • Can you improve upon their content?
  • Are they missing certain types of content? Such as, images, infographs, video.
  • Leverage Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and other SEO tools

Here's a related post on a streamlined WordPress blog post workflow to help you rank better, and another on how to use Google Trends for Market Research


Narrow your topics down and prioritize your content based on which topics/keywords have the most economic value.

Some topics are merely informational vs. transactional.

The Google Keyword planner can be an excellent place to start to generate ideas and to understand which topics/keywords are most economically valuable (higher cost-per-click typically means more economic value since others are willing to bid up the price per keyword)

Here's a related SEO case study of a site that created a lot of content and ranked 750 keywords on the first page of Google and another post answering the question, does blogging help SEO?


Develop your blog promotional strategy. How will you promote your content?

  • Develop an outreach strategy leveraging social media and email marketing
  • Create a paid social strategy to promote your content to your ideal customers
  • Identify and establish relationships with influencers in your industry that can help with exposure
  • Start an email newsletter and make sure your blog content is promoted here
  • Make sure people can sign up on your website for your latest content


Set a blog content calendar of topics and publish regularly

Set a reasonable content publishing frequency and stick to it. A content calendar will keep you on track. Publishing content regularly help build your SEO momentum and shows your customers you're a though leader. Plus, with regular content you have a reason to reach out to people with your newsletter or via paid social ads. 

About the author 

Toby is the co-founder of 39 Celsius. He has over 20 years of digital marketing experience and has started several companies throughout his career. He's an expert in SEO, Social Media Ads, Google Ads, Marketing Automation, and more. He has a BA in Chemistry/Biochemistry from UC San Diego and an MBA from SDSU.

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